Dissertation Name | Мукаммалгардонии механизмҳои ташкил ва идоракунии имиҷи ташкилот (дар мисоли муассисаҳои таҳсилоти олии касбии Тоҷикистон) |
Date of publication of the abstract | 18.01.2024 |
Decision to accept a dissertation for defense | |
Conclusion of the organization (department) | |
Date of publication of the dissertation | 19.01.2024 |
Dissertation Type | Candidate |
Code of the scientific specialty | ( - Ташкил ва идоракунии корхонаҳо, низомҳо ва комплексҳо) |
Branch of science | Иқтисодиёт |
Code of the Dissertation Council | 6D.КОА–017 |
Organization | Институти иқтисодиёт ва демографияи АМИТ |
Dissertation | |
Abstract (in two languages) | |
Conclusion of the Expert commission | |
Announcement on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan | |
Protection results | |
Review of the supervisor | |
Information about the supervisor | |
Reviews from your opponents | |
Consent of opponents | |
Information about your opponents | |
Review of the opposing organization | |
Consent of the opposing organization | |
Information about the opposing organization | |
Additional reviews | |
Business address | Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, ш. Душанбе, кӯчаи Айнӣ 44. |
Organization's phone | +992 (37) 221-67-50 |
ied.tj@mail.ru info@ied.tj | |
Date and time of dissertation defense | 26.03.2024 - 15:00 |
Audience | 205 |
Ҳасанзода Нодира Ҳоҷимурод