Department of Research on the Development and Allocation of Productive Forces

List of Employees of the Research Department for the Development and Allocation of Productive Forces

Submitted by WWW.IED.TJ on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 10:21am

1. Kayumov Nuriddin Kayumovich (Head of Department, Academician of NAST, Doctor of Economics, Professor)
2. Khonaliev Nazarali (Senior Researcher, Doctor of Economics)
3. Khabibov Safiulloh (Senior Researcher, Doctor of Economics, Professor)
4. Sadridinov Saifidin (Senior Researcher, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)
5. Radjabov Kozi Radjabovich (Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economics)
6. Arifov Khomijon Obidovich (Leading Researcher, Ph.D.)
7. Abdualimov Bakhrom Abdulazimovich (Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economics)

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