Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations

List of Employees of the Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations

Submitted by WWW.IED.TJ on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 10:11am

1. Karimova Mavzuna Timurovna (Head of Department, Doctor of Economics, Docent)
2. Sharipov Barom Maњmudovich (Senior Researcher, Doctor of Economics)
3. Dovgyallo Yana Pavlovna (Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economics)
4. Nazarov Dmitry Talbakovich (Leading Researcher, Ph.D. in Economics)
5. Kholboboev Faizullo Samadovich (Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economics)
6. Sheraliev Zikrullo Abduhomidovich (Senior Researcher)
7. Chodieva Zamira (Researcher)
8. Yusupova Malika (Researcher)
9. Abdulloeva Gulnoza (Senior Laboratory Assistant)

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